Friday, March 6, 2009

The previous post was the first and last of its kind. I am of the opinion that the creation of bullets in language layout is one of the most useful, efficient and adequate means of communicating what is required. Therefore I will by and large stick to this form of layout to channelize the seemingly endless thoughts that force themselves through my rather tiny head.
  • My obvious bias towards using bullets is the result of not only what is mentioned above but also the belief that my thought is best expressed in detatched, separate sentences as opposed to one cohesive paragrah.
  • I feel strongly about almost everything I have reasonable amount of information about.
  • Despite having chosen a course of education which is by syllabus and teaching redundant, most of my opinions have been influenced and guided by these very same views.
  • Some people{ a reasonably large number of them in fact} believe me to be cold, strong, emotionless about a wide range of supposedly life stopping events and happenings. I simply think I am rational about them.
  • Everybody has their own shit to deal with-don't make things any harder by judging them for it.
  • I am torn between the choice of passion and practicality at every step of the way.
  • I watch an excessive amount of reality tv and still believe that the Indian audience is at a lack of choice.
  • I also watch an excessive amount of movies in the tune of Step Up, Save the Last Dance etc which have led me to believe that I should have never given up the little dancing that I once was good at.
This creation is the result of persistence on part of an apparently significant someone in my life. She suddenly saw the need for me to be a part of this global phenomenon of a virtual existence. Blogging to me, for long enough, has been an alternative for people to speak out what they are thinking-either because you are a Type A personality, who talks too much anyway so people choose not to listen or a Type B personality, who despite bursting with brilliance chooses not to say a word. {Die Heart Psychologists please note that this is merely my interpretation of the 2 personality types and has not been academically accepted-not yet that is! }. Yet, I would not blame anyone for resorting to the same. We have after all been endowed with higher intellectual abilities, reasoning, scientific temper and all of that. These very factors are not only the cause for the need of the very existence of blogs but also the sources of this phenomenon. As abrupt and sudden as this may seem I feel it appropriate to refrain from adding more thought to this entry and it was a mere source of beginning this space for me. As and when time and my mood permits me to revert to this space, be sure that I will!